Our Lady’s Message
September 14, 2002
The Feast of the Triumph of the Cross,
through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus.

Little ones, do you realize the connection between the Child Jesus and the Crucified One?
You cannot have one without the other.

It was my Son the Child Jesus who came forth into this world representing the Truth about Life,
the “infusion of Life in God.”

The transition from the “child” to your “crucified” Savior was the transition from life (as you
know it) to the death of sin and to eternal life.

The Child Jesus renewed the world in the hope of God’s Truth with the invitation for all people to live in purity and innocence without self-seeking ways or the ways of malice, hatred and violence.

Through His submission to the Will of the Father, the Crucified Savior became your redemption from death. Through Him alone can you have eternal life.

It was my Son the Child Jesus who gave life in this world to you, and my Son the Crucified Jesus who gave eternal life to you.

My little children, you look for many answers, solutions and comforts from my Son. You are very much loved by my Son and graced to walk in fortitude, perseverance and courage.

I love you all, little ones, and ask you as your Mother to continue to pray, to hope and to join together in God’s Love.

This time in history seems like much has been lost, but really much has been gained by those who have persevered, prayed and continued to seek the Truth.

I bless you and thank you for moving forward in God’s Love. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to my call.