Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg

For the World

Through Gianna Sullivan

March 13, 2003

Praised be Jesus.

Little ones, it is so necessary today to be all-forgiving and all-loving of one another. Without this, people can harbor resentment and bitterness. When there are anger, the passion of envy, jealousy and hatred, it is hard to forgive. These feelings can result in war. When there is a lack of peace within yourselves, you cannot carry out your functions as servants of God in a peaceful manner. It is difficult to radiate His Light because in the depths of your own souls there is darkness. Throughout history, bitterness and anger have intensified the tensions which have resulted in world wars in many countries across the continents.

The only way you can be a true childof God is to ask for forgiveness, to remain calm, and to know that in your own weaknesses you yourself can be a source of sin for others. If you see one another in the Light of understanding that each of you are sinners, that you can forgive and remain focused on the Lord, and that you know through His Love you can change; then peace can dwell within the world and within humanity, not only among nations, but also within your communities, within your families and within your own hearts and souls.

Those who are true servants of God have Peace within them, even in the midst of turmoil. Division is caused by Satan himself; and wherever I have been throughout history, Satan has tried to cause division, and that division is from him. But the lack of peace in many of my children, the lack of peace within your communities and within the world stems also from the sin within humanity that causes the division to intensify and metastasize.

So it should not alarm you that where I come bringing the Presence of my Son, there too is division. When you speak to others you can always tell where the truth of the matter rests. You can tell by the words, actions, attitudes and genuineness of those involved in the tension. You can tell through their own bitterness and their anger. If they are defensive, if they continue on without allowing peace to exist, if they call you evil, then perhaps it is they themselves who are being divided within their own souls by Satan. It is also because of their fear and because of sin. No one likes to be proven wrong.

So my message to you is to forgive and to maintain your focus on my Son. Those who are true servants of God are those who desire Peace and desire to Love, to forgive and to forget.

Thank you, little ones, for responding to this call.


Reflection on the March 13, 2003 Message

Once more, our Blessed Mother has given us a powerful message. She is helping us to see the truth: to cling to an unforgiving heart is a serious evil. This sin tortures, poisons, infects and destroys the soul! It causes division and spawns wars.

To be true children of God, and to serve effectively, we must be at peace with ourselves and with others. We must have the courage, humility and nobility to acknowledge our faults, to seek forgiveness and to forgive. Let us be both the returning Prodigal Son and the receiving Merciful Father, the Repentant Thief and the Compassionate Jesus.

(Fr. John B. Wang)