Fr. Rene' Laurentin Discusses

The Eucharistic Reign of the Child Jesus

November 10, 2003

In regards to the recent website posting, dated November 1, 2003, concerning The Eucharistic Reign of the Child Jesus; Fr. Rene' Laurentin, the renowned French theologian and Mariologist, prefers, rather than to add his name to the already prestigious list of priests and theologians who support the distribution of Our Lady's explanation of The Eucharistic Reign of the Child Jesus, to write and share his own more precise and personal comments in reference to its contents.

Evaluation of Dr. Sullivan's Text

Regarding Our Lady's Messages to Gianna Sullivan


The Eucharistic Reign of the Child Jesus


Fr. Rene' Laurentin

Gianna had submitted many of her communications on the Eucharistic Reign of the Child Jesus to the Commission of her Archdiocese. This is one of the points on which the Commission had some reservations in that it is not a common doctrine. In fact, it is a prophetic message, somewhat specific, and upon which Gianna bases great hope and a sincere fervor.

In the FAX that was submitted to me on October 23, 2003, her husband, Dr. Michael Sullivan, explains very well the message, with nuances dispelling all ambiguities.

In the penultimate paragraph of the FAX , Mary speaks: "I have told you that this is my Son, the Child Jesus, who will return again, not in a corporeal body to walk the earth, and not as the Glorified Just Judge as He will come at the end of time, but as a Child of Hope to usher in an era of peace as God's Mercy is unveiled."

The childhood and growth of Jesus pursues itself in the Church, His Mystical Body, inspired by Him and summed up in Him (St. Iranaeus). This has been said for many centuries. It is not then new theology.

If we are interpreting this correctly, Jesus will manifest Himself, not by exterior signs and miracles, but (as the message repeats in its first paragraph) by inviting us to live spiritually in the Eucharist, in a spirit of childhood, as Our Lord has said in His Gospel message: "If you do not become like little children, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

It is a distinct perspective, but legitimate, according to the following theological bases:

1. The Eucharist makes Jesus complete present, or better yet, makes us present in Jesus Christ, incorporating us in Him in the reciprocity of Love in anticipation of Heaven.

2. Christ in Heaven, Who manifests Himself in this way, is present to each person, to each community, and to each Church on earth. He is present completely in the Eucharist, not only in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, but in every moment of His Life, contemporaneously to His eternity. He is especially present in His Passion and His Resurrection, which signify and make present, in a very formal way, the Mass and as well as His Childhood.

3. Every moment of His earthly Life is present in His Person and in His everlasting Life, radiating in the time succeeding that in which we are living. Let us internalize and radiate His mysteries during all the liturgical year. Christmas invites us to communion with the Infant Jesus.

The prophetic message from Gianna invites us to live and fully actualize the Mystery of the Eucharist, that is to say, to identify ourselves with the Childhood of Jesus in hope according to the Gospel. It is true, indisputable, and impressive. We have the right to live it, but it is a special revelation about which the Church invites us to be prudent; and thus, it remains a private devotion until Gianna obtains the endorsement of the Church, who will judge the "tree by its fruits", the rule repeated six times in the four Gospels.