February 7 & 8 2004
Saturday February 7th
I woke up very early this morning and when I walked downstairs I sat down next to the burned body of Jesus from Sister Claire’s crucifix. I just sat there looking at it for a few minutes when I started to think about the prayers that Bob G needs now. I then thought about the times Bob has been to Emmitsburg and suddenly the sense of peace ran through me and I instantly wanted to go to St. Joseph’s to pray the rosary for Bob. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33.
Later in the morning I drove to "Parish Church" for daily mass. I glanced at my watch as I arrived and again it said XX:XX:33. After mass I prayed the Glorious mysteries of the rosary and when I finished I walked over to Polly’s for a haircut.
After the haircut I left directly for Emmitsburg because the desire to go had been growing stronger ever since this morning when it first hit at the crucifix. I arrived at St. Joseph’s and the clock on the dash was 12:13. I glanced at my watch as I walked in the front door and it said 12:13:33.
I entered the pew and I completed the rosary I started at "Parish Church" by praying the Joyful, Sorrowful and Luminous mysteries. During this time I continually had thoughts and memories of the times Bob came to Emmitsburg with me, especially the first time. When I finished I got up to leave and glanced at my watch as I walked out of the door and it said XX:XX:33.
I drove to the Grotto of Lourdes and glanced at my watch as the truck came to a complete stop. It said XX:XX:13. I needed to get Grotto water for Bob because he asked for water a few days ago that he could have access to. He said it would make his death easier. He did not specify Grotto water but I know that is what he was trying to say. After I got the water and was walking back to my truck I glanced at my watch and the time was 1:33.
I drove back to "hometown" and stopped at "Parish Church" to pick up the Eucharist to take to Bob. When I arrived at the nursing home Bob’s son K______ and daughter K___ were there. I gave Bob the Eucharist and replaced his tap water with Grotto water from Emmitsburg in a spill proof sip bottle that he can keep in bed. I then drove home and when I pulled in the driveway the odometer was 3.3.
C.R.C. and I got ready for mass because he was serving and I was Eucharistic minister. We pulled out of the drive way and the odometer was still 3.3 and the time was 5:33.
( I completed this up to this point on 9 Feb at 10:33:13 pm )
Sunday February 8th
This morning I needed to ride over to my sisters house to pick up a book case to take to Sister Genevieve. The book case was from Susie C who lives in Manassas and she delivered it to me at work to deliver to Sr. Genevieve. I gave it to my nephew Brian for him to assemble.
I was going to deliver it today since C.R.C. and I would be going up for the 9th Mission of Mercy mass today at St. Mary’s. S.C.C. rode over with me to help me load it in the truck. At the very instant we arrived I thought about how the book case would somehow have an impact on the events of the day. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. S.C.C. and I rode home and pulled in the driveway and the time was 9:13.
I then drove to "Parish Church" for CCD and arrived there at 9:33. I started the class and then left early after handing it over to Sherry A who is the aide. I then walked upstairs to the church and got the Eucharist for Bob G and drove to the nursing home. At the very instant I walked in Bob’s room I glanced at my watch because I felt that peaceful feeling. The time was 10:13.
Bob was asleep but woke up when I called his name. We said a few prayers and I gave him the Eucharist. Bob then started to cry and was a little frightened because of all he has been through. I reassured Bob that he had nothing to be afraid of because God is in complete control and knows what He is doing. Bob told me again that he loves me and then he drifted back off to sleep and I left. The time was 10:33. I got in my truck and just as I was pulling out the odometer switched to 1.3.
I then drove to S.C.C.’s mothers house to meet up with S.C.C. and C.R.C.. C.R.C. and I rode to Emmitsburg and S.C.C. went the the 11 AM mass at "Parish Church". The Legion of Mary had that mass offered for Bob because he is an auxiliary member of The Legion.
C.R.C. worked on homework during the ride up and was just finishing as we arrived at St. Joseph’s. When we arrived the odometer was 1.3 and I suggested that we go in and pray a rosary for Bob. C.R.C. said “ok just let me finish this last paragraph of reading.” About 10 seconds later he slammed the book shut and said “I am finished my homework.” At that very instant the clock on the dash switched to 12:13. We walked in the church and as we entered through the front door I glanced at my watch and the time was 12:13.
C.R.C. and I went up towards the front of the church and prayed the Luminous mysteries of the rosary with Bob being the target of our prayers. Again, just like yesterday my mind was filled with sudden thoughts and memories of Bob’s trips to Emmitsburg and the positive, fruitful results of Bob’s return to the church after many years.
The effect it had on Bob resulted in the conversion of his wife B______ to the Catholic Church. When we finished the rosary I glanced at my watch as we walked out of the church and the time was 12:33.
C.R.C. and I then rode to the Jubilee supermarket and picked up a few bags of Butterfingers since we would be going to see Sister Genevieve after the Mission of Mercy mass. We then rode to St. Mary’s and the rosary started at 2 PM.
During the rosary I had a very strong and sudden thought that I should place a written petition for Bob in the petition basket that sits in the vestibule. It was so strong and sudden that it forced me to glance at my watch and the time was 2:13. When the rosary was over and before mass started I walked out to the vestibule and placed the petition in the basket. It went something like this:
Dear Jesus and Mary, Please help my dear friend Bob G who is suffering. My prayer is that You do what is best for Bob. Thank You for everything. Robert
I returned to my seat and suddenly felt the strong sense of peace run through me. I glanced at my watch and the time was 2:33:13.
The Thursday night choir did a few songs and then mass started. C.R.C. served. Fr. M______ gave a very good homily that ended at 3:13. A little while later just as it was time to kneel for the Consecration a very peaceful feeling came over me while still standing. I looked up and a brilliant halo of light surrounded the head of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the front of the church. It was among the brightest I have ever seen. Gianna was in the pew behind me. When it was over I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13. Again the strong sense of peace hit just at Fr. M______ consumed the large host and the time was 3:33.
When mass was over Jim O’Brien did the Chaplet of Divine Mercy during Adoration. Fr. M______ then had Benediction and instead of standing behind the altar he walked through the isles with the Blessed Sacrament. When he finished he placed the Blessed Sacrament back in the tabernacle and the time was 4:13:59.
We then went down stairs for refreshments. Members of the Lay Missionaries of Charity went off to a separate area and had a meeting about an upcoming retreat by the MC Fathers this coming March 5th -7th. I attended and decided that I would like to attend. As I wrote the $25.00 check I just happened to notice my watch say XX:XX:13. When the meeting was over I asked Jim O’Brien to help me with Sr. Genevieve’s book case. We left and when I started the truck the time on the dash was 6:13.
We then rode to the nursing home and arrived there and unloaded the book case from the back of my truck at 6:33. Sr. Genevieve looked bad. She was not feeling well and we only stayed long enough to put the book case where she wanted it. We drove back to Emmitsburg to drop Jim off at his house and when we rode by St. Joseph’s I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. C.R.C. and I then rode home and we pulled in the driveway and the time was 9:33.
R_____ C___
February 10, 2004
11:33 pm