I was scheduled to be a Eucharistic Minister at the 8:30 mass at "Parish Church" this morning. S.C.C. and C.R.C. were going to wait and go to mass at St. Mary’s so I went to mass alone. I arrived and when I walked in the church I glanced at my watch and the time was 8:13. Mass ended and I glanced at my watch as I walked out of the church and the time was 9:33.
When CCD was over S.C.C. and C.R.C. met me at her mothers house and we left for Emmitsburg from there. We had to go to Gettysburg first to complete a deal I made a few weeks ago on some Civil War relics. We then went straight to St. Mary’s.
When we arrived at St. Mary’s Jean Nichols came up to me as asked if I would read the Mission of Mercy prayers after mass during adoration. I told her I would do it. Normally the Mission of Mercy Sunday starts at 2 PM with the rosary. Today it did not begin until 2:13.
When the rosary was over mass started and C.R.C. was one of the altar servers. Ray Sanders was the other one. When it came time for the Liturgy of the Eucharist Fr. M___ stopped and asked if anyone would be offended if Latin were used. Nobody objected so from that point on the mass was in Latin. During the consecration I felt the sudden surge of peace run through me. I glanced at my watch and the time was 3:33.
Mass was followed by adoration and I read the prepared prayers that had been given to me. That was followed by the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and benediction. When benediction was over Fr. M______ placed the host back in the tabernacle and the time was 4:13.
Like always there was a nice covered dish dinner downstairs in the parish hall. We got something to eat and then we rode out to the house Ray wanted to show us. When we got to the house we knew that this was more in line with what we were looking for. We took a tour of the house and just as we walked in the bed room I said “I like this house” at that very instant I noticed the digital clock sitting on a desk and the time on the display was 5:13.
When we finished looking at the house we rode to St. Catherine’s to visit Sr. Genevieve and I also wanted to pick up the booklet of papers I let her read. When we arrived and walked in her room the feeling of peace hit me again. I looked at my watch and the time was 6:33.
We visited for a while and then we drove home. When we pulled in the driveway the clock on the dash switched to 9:33.
R_____ C___
March 20, 2004
9:33 Pm