I don’t know how to describe this other than to say that sometimes I am suddenly bombarded with what would seem like out of nowhere Emmitsburg related memories and thoughts. That was the case this morning and each time it happened I glanced at my watch and it would say XX:XX:13 or 33.
I attended mass at "Parish Church" this morning before going to work. It was the Friday children’s mass and when it was over I got in my truck to leave and when I started it the time on the dash was 9:13.
Later in the afternoon I took my lunch break and had lunch with Gavin Rose. I then rode to "Parish Church" to pray the rosary. When I arrived the odometer was 33.
I prayed the Joyful rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and when I finished I glanced at my watch as I walked out of the church and the time was 12:33. As I pulled out of the parking lot I met a car with the license plate of 33.
I drove home and picked up boxes that S.C.C. had ready for me to take with me because I would be going to Emmitsburg for the 3rd Friday LMC meeting at Phil C’s house tonight. I then rode back to work and arrived at my desk at 1:33.
Later in the afternoon when I got off work I left to go to Emmitsburg and as I pulled out of the parking lot I met a car with the license plate of 13. I drove to Emmitsburg and was delayed because of serious traffic problems in Leesburg. I knew I would never make it to Phil’s house by 7 o’clock so I called him and said I would be late. When I finally arrived in Emmitsburg I stopped at St. Joseph’s first and the time was 7:13.
I just said a quick prayer and sat in my truck and did the homework page in the LMC study book that I should have already done but had not. I then drove to Phil’s house and when I arrived the time on the dash was 7:33. I noticed my watch as I got out of my truck and it said 7:33:13.
We had our meeting and everyone in our group was there. When the meeting was over everyone pitched in and helped carry in the boxes of things S.C.C. gave me to store at Phil’s house until we move in ours. I then left and when I started my truck the time on the dash was 10:13.
I then rode by our new house and then rode to St. Joseph’s to finish the rosary I started at "Parish Church" this afternoon. When I arrived at St. Joseph’s the time was 10:33 and the odometer was 3.3. I completed the rosary by praying the Glorious, Sorrowful and Luminous mysteries. When I finished the rosary I glanced at my watch as I was leaving and the time was 11:13.
R_____ C___
May 4, 2004
10:13:33 Pm