Over the years since I first came to Emmitsburg I have come to accept the fact that I never know what to expect in my life from one minute to the next. I often find myself in the middle of a situation that I could not have planned if my life depended on it. Because what happened today involves a priest I will write this paper with blank lines where his name would go.
This morning I left the house to go to work in Manassas. I stopped at St. Joseph’s on the way to say a few prayers and I glanced at my watch just as the car came to a complete stop. The time was 6:13:13.
I said my prayers and like I do everyday I told Our Lady that I am willing to continue with Her and Her Son and asked for the strength to do so. When I finished my prayers I left and drove to Manassas. While I was driving Phil C called me and asked if I could pick up Jim O’Brien tonight on the way to our LMC study group. I told Phil that I would pick Jim up. We hung up and I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
I arrived in Manassas and stopped at All Saint’s for daily mass before going across the street to work. I glanced at my watch at the very instant I arrived and it said XX:XX:13. I walked in the church and like every morning the Blessed Sacrament was on the altar. I noticed the priest were hearing confessions so I decided to go. While I was standing in the confession line I was suddenly hit with an extremely strong feeling of sudden peace. It was so strong I glanced down at my watch and the time was 8:13:33.
The feeling of peace lingered while I stood in line. I did not know what it was for but I knew it was special and I prayed for God to guide me and this is what happened:
I looked at the name tag on the confessional just before I walked in. It said Fr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I had never been to confession to this priest before. I made my confession and when I finished the priest asked me if there was anything else. At that instant the feeling of peace hit me again and I said “Yes Father there is”. I then confessed the sin of interior anger I hold in my heart towards a few priest who suppress and or distort the truth about the apparitions of Our Lady in Emmitsburg.
The priest listened to everything I wanted to say and when I was finished he said “I can tell you are very close to this situation”. He then gave me my penance which was to simply to pray to Our Lady for only the truth, regardless of what it is to be revealed. He then gave me absolution. As I was leaving the confessional he said “ Wait a minute, there is something else I want to say before you go. I have been to St. Joseph’s for the Thursday Night Prayer Group once or twice myself and I want you to know I believe Gianna Sullivan is the real deal”.
I walked out of the confessional into mass which had already started. Mass ended and I left. When I got to my car I started it and the time on the dash was 9:13. I drove across the street to work and when I arrived there the time was still 9:13.
I was fairly busy most of the day at work and my training for the new job continues. I went to lunch when everyone else did and I rode over to All Saint’s to pray the rosary. I glanced at my watch as I walked out the door and the time was 12:13. I arrived at All Saint’s and just as I walked in the chapel door the peace hit. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. I prayed the Sorrowful mysteries of the rosary and when I finished I again felt the peace. I looked at my watch and the time was 12:33. I then went back to work and when I finished all of my work I left for the day. As I was leaving I glanced at my watch and the time was 4:33.
While I was driving back to Emmitsburg I had a sudden thought crash through my mind about all of the papers I have written over the years about Emmitsburg which began by me writing a letter to my family about C.R.C. being baptized back in 1998. I knew Our Lady of Emmitsburg and Her Son caused the events that enable me to write them. It was so strong I glanced at my watch and the time was 5:13:33.
When I arrived back in Emmitsburg I stopped and picked up Jim O’Brien because he has joined our LMC study group. We rode to my house and I took a shower and changed clothes before leaving for the study group at Phil’s house. As we were leaving I noticed the time was 7:13.
We arrived at Phil’s house and we had our LMC study group. Brian F has also joined our group. When the meeting was over I drove Jim back to his apartment. Just as I dropped him off I felt a sudden feeling of peace knowing my next stop would be St. Joseph’s for First Friday adoration. I glanced at my watch and the time was 9:33:33. I arrived at St. Joseph’s and just at the instant the car came to a complete stop the CD counter flashed 3:33.
I went in St. Joseph’s for First Friday adoration and I completed the rosary I started earlier today at All Saint’s by praying the Glorious, Luminous and Joyful mysteries. When I finished the rosary I left and as I did I looked at my watch and the time was 10:33.
R_____ C___
Jan. 15, 2005
11:33:59 Pm