Upcoming Medjugorje Trip
From time to time there are days that the sudden urge to pray is more frequent than others. Sometimes I only pray one mystery of the rosary the entire day. There are other days that I end up praying all of the mysteries. Most rare of all are the days where the sudden, urgent desire to pray the rosary continues even after I have prayed all 20 decades. Today was one of those days.
When I woke up this morning I looked over at the clock next to the bed and the time was 5:33. I got up and got ready to go to work in Manassas. I left the house and stopped at St. Joseph’s to say a few prayers before continuing the day. When I arrived at St. Joseph’s the time on the dash was the last fraction of a second of 6:13. I said my prayers and at the very instant I finished I just happened to look up and notice the CD counter said 33.
I drove to Manassas and stopped at All Saint’s for daily mass. At the very instant the car came to a complete stop the CD counter flashed 13. I glanced at my watch as I was getting out of the car and it said XX:XX:33. I went in church and prayed the Sorrowful mysteries before the Blessed Sacrament. I glanced at my watch at the very instant I started the rosary and it said XX:XX:33. I also glanced at the very instant I finished the rosary and this time it said XX:XX:13.
A few minutes later mass started and when mass was over I went across the street to go to work. Later in the day people in my department went to lunch so I took that opportunity to go back to All Saint’s and pray another rosary. I glanced at my watch at the very instant I started the rosary and the time was 12:33:13. I prayed both the Joyful and Glorious mysteries and glanced at my watch at the very instant I finished and the time was now 1:13.
I rode back to work and arrived just about the time the others were returning. Later in the day when I got off from work I considered going back to All Saint’s to complete the rosary by praying the Luminous mysteries. At that very instant a very sudden, out of nowhere thought crashed through my mind that I should pray that rosary at St. Joseph’s in Emmitsburg. It was so strong I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33 and at the very same instant the CD counter flashed 13.
I pulled out of the SWIFT parking lot and left for Emmitsburg. While I was driving another sudden, out of nowhere thought crashed through my mind. It was a very vivid memory of my conversation with Fr. O’Malley while on the bus coming home from the March For Life. It was so strong, sudden and clear it caused me to glance at my watch and the time was 5:33:33.
I arrived in Emmitsburg and stopped at St. Joseph’s to complete the rosary by praying the Luminous mysteries. The church was not open so I just sat out in the car and prayed. When I finished the rosary I started the car to leave and the time on the dash was the last fraction of a second of 7:13. As I pulled away from St. Joseph’s I noticed the CD counter flashed 13.
When I arrived home I checked the mail and there was a reminder that the balance of our upcoming trip to Medjugorje was due. So were the rest of the bills so I sat down at the kitchen table and wrote out all of the bills including the money for our trip to Medjugorje. I then told S.C.C. that I was going to ride in town and mail the bills at the post office. As I was walking to my truck I was suddenly struck very hard with a sudden desire to go back to St. Joseph’s and pray another rosary. I knew I had already prayed the entire rosary so I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
I drove to St. Joseph’s and when I arrived I glanced at my watch and the time was 9:13. I sat out in the truck and prayed the Glorious mysteries. My main intention of that rosary was for our trip to Medjugorje. When I finished the rosary I glanced at my watch and it was now 9:33. I rode down the street to the post office to mail the bills and the Medjugorje money and when I arrived the time on the dash was still 9:33.
R_____ C___
Jan 29, 2005
10:13 Pm