Public Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World
through Gianna Sullivan
February 9, 2005
Ash Wednesday
Little children, praised be Jesus!
Little ones, this is a time of renewal, the time when each of you
can join with my Son by looking at all the areas in your lives and
mending them, focusing all of your attention on Jesus so that He can
heal you. This is a redemptive time, a time when each of you should
be doing good to your neighbor, not speaking harshly, not
slandering, not gossiping, and not allowing hatred to fill your
hearts. It is a time of hospitality instead of hostility, one in
which you are gracious in giving and gracious in receiving.
My Son loves you; and all of His suffering was for the good of
humanity. How great it is to focus on these areas in your lives
with love in your hearts, so that you can grow to be more and more
like my Son, Who freely gave Himself so that you could be free!
I love you, and I take your intentions to the Foot of the Cross.
Blessed is the Wood of the Cross! The Wood of the Cross is your
salvation, as you unite your suffering to my Son's.
Reflection on the February 9, 2005 Message
Our wise Mother, the Seat of Wisdom, is calling us to renewal, a
renewal which challenges us to look honestly within so we will, firm
of purpose, amend our lives as we focus completely on Jesus, our
Forgiveness and Healing. The Mother of Mercy exhorts us to
spiritually stretch to new levels of loving God by loving our
neighbor, in thought, word and deed, with the compassion, mercy,
generosity and gentleness of the Sacred Suffering Heart of Her Son.
The Co-Redemptrix urges us to reflect on the Life-giving Love of Her
Son, our Redeemer. What better way to do so in this, "Year of the
Eucharist," than to gaze upon the Holy Wood of the Cross and adore
the Child Jesus in His Eucharistic Presence as we recall all He
suffered to save us. Let us emulate our Lord. With joy, let us pick
up our cross and follow Him.
(Fr. John B. Wang)