March 13, 2005
My prayer is that at some point in my life or at least immediately after my life I will receive an explanation from God of everything I have been going through since I first came to Emmitsburg. I realize that God owes me absolutely nothing but I do pray that He will provide a understandable explanation to me, if it is His Will.
In the meantime I will continue on this current path because He has shown me so many things that make it impossible for me to doubt. My strength to continue comes from the peace within my soul of knowing I am telling nothing but the truth. Lies would cause anguish and fear and would always change. The truth produces peace and strength and never changes. I know what I have written is hard to believe but it is the truth and the truth is easy to write and to live with.
Yesterday Peter Blanchard who owns St. Peter’s Books stopped me and asked if I was going to the Mission of Mercy mass at St. Mary’s on Sunday. I told Peter that I was going. Peter told me he was scheduled to pickup the Pilgrim Statue at the Mission of Mercy mass but he could not because he would be in Baltimore. I told Peter that I would take it to my house and he could pick it up there anytime he wished. Later the same day S.C.C. and I got a call from Dolly K asking us to be Eucharistic Ministers at the mass tomorrow. Earlier in the week Jim O’Brien asked for a ride to St. Mary’s after he gets off work at St. Catherine’s.
This morning as I was getting dressed to start the day a very sudden feeling of peace hit me. My first and only thought was today being the monthly Mission of Mercy mass at St. Mary’s. I glanced at my watch as I was putting it on and the time was 8:13.
I did some things around the house and started looking at taxes. Later C.R.C. and I left the house to go pick up Jim from work and take him to St. Mary’s. I glanced at my watch as we walked out the door and it said XX:XX:33.
We arrived at St. Catherine’s and had to wait a few minutes before Jim came out. While we were waiting for Jim I again felt a sudden surge of peace run through me. The thought that ran through my mind was how everybody up here has there own little part to play. I could expand on that thought but I won’t. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. I then looked up and Jim was walking towards the car. We drove to St. Mary’s and when we arrived I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
We walked in the church and S.C.C. was already there. The rosary was in progress and when that was over mass followed. Attendance was excellent. Both S.C.C. and I served as Eucharistic Ministers and C.R.C. was the altar server. Gianna Sullivan was the lector. After Holy Communion and Fr. M___ stood up and said “Let us pray” the feeling of peace hit me. I glanced at my watch and the time was 3:33:59.
When mass ended there were additional prayers. Jim O’Brien led the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. At the very instant it finished I again felt the peace. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33.
There was a dinner downstairs in the parish hall and Bob Perelli came up to me to give me the Pilgrim Statue for Peter Blanchard. We took it and put it in my car. We then left and C.R.C. and I drove Jim home. We then stopped by St. Joseph’s to say a quick prayer and the time was 5:13 and as we pulled out the CD counter flashed 3:33.
The orange low fuel light was on so I had to stop and get gas. We then drove home and pulled in the driveway just as the clock on the dash switched to 5:33. We carried the box containing the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady in the house and at the very instant I opened the box to set Her up the feeling of peace hit me very hard. I knew to glance at my watch and the time was 5:33:33
R_____ C___
Mar. 20, 2005
10:13 Pm