Palm Sunday
Today was one of those days where I could feel the presence of Our Lady from the moment I woke up. I looked over at the clock when I first opened my eyes this morning and the time was 6:13.
S.C.C. and I were scheduled to be Eucharistic Ministers at the 8 o’clock mass this morning. Because of a schedule mix up C.R.C. was to serve at the 10:30 mass. The Gospel this morning was Matthew’s account of the Passion and it was very long. The reading of this Gospel ended at 8:33.
S.C.C. and I served as Eucharistic Ministers and then we went home. I drove C.R.C. back to St. Mary’s so he could serve at the 10:30 mass. I then rode out to look at a farm that the owner has given me permission to metal detect for Civil War relics. I then rode back to St. Mary’s to pick up C.R.C. after mass. At the very instant I arrived I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33.
When C.R.C. and I arrived home S.C.C. said she would like to ride to the Wal Mart in Walkersville which is very close to Frederick. C.R.C. stayed home and S.C.C. and I went to get things for a food basket for a poor family and things we needed for our trip to Medjugorje. We stopped at St. Joseph’s on the way but did not go in because the noon mass was still in progress. I glanced at my watch at the instant we arrived and the time was 12:33:33.
S.C.C. and I said a few prayers while we sat in the car and then left for Wal Mart. We arrived and got the things we needed. When we got back to Emmitsburg we stopped again at St. Joseph’s. At the very instant we arrived the clock on the dash switched to 3:13. We walked in the church and nobody else was there. I glanced at my watch at the very instant we started the rosary and the time was 3:13:33. We prayed about our upcoming trip to Medjugorje and when we finished the rosary I glanced at my watch and the time was 3:33.
Good Friday
March 25, 2005
It was 4 years ago today that I saw and spoke with a woman at the Grotto of Lourdes that I have no doubt was actually St. Therese of Liseux.
We needed to go to "hometown" today to take our dog to S.C.C.’s mother’s house while we are in Medjugorje. There were people here willing to take care of him but because he bites we did not want to run that risk. The dog likes S.C.C.’s mother.
After I woke up this morning I was getting dressed just as the sudden reality hit me that we are leaving for Medjugorje on Monday. I looked up and the time on the clock next to the bed was 7:33.
When everybody was finally ready to go to "hometown" we got in S.C.C.’s car. When I started it I suddenly noticed the odometer was 33. We drove to "hometown" and drove to "Parish Church" which is almost next door to S.C.C.’s mother’s house. We arrived and pulled in her driveway and the time on the dash was 10:33.
While driving to "hometown" there were lots of news reports on the radio about the death by starvation of Terri Shiavo. Each time her name was mentioned I would suddenly feel anger followed by a sense of peace. Each time I would glance at my watch and it would say XX:XX:33.
S.C.C. took the car and ran a few errands she needed to take care of and I sat at S.C.C.’s moms house and wrote out the bills so I could mail them before leaving for Medjugorje. When S.C.C. arrived back with the car I went to mail the bills but stopped at "Parish Church" first to pray the rosary. I looked at my watch as I walked in the church and the time was 12:33:13.
I prayed both the Sorrowful and Luminous mysteries for both Terri Shavio and the pope. During the rosary I felt a very strong sense of peace. When I finished I glanced at my watch as I walked out the door and it said XX:XX:13.
I then rode to the post office and mailed the bills. I rode back to S.C.C.’s mother’s house and S.C.C. said she was going to pick up my mother to take her to church this afternoon for Good Friday. I walked over to the church and got our seats. The Good Friday service was very nice and when it was over and I was walking out of the church I suddenly felt the peace hit me very hard. I knew to glance at my watch and the time was 4:33.
We then left and went out to eat dinner with my family and S.C.C.’s mother at Country Cooking. It was nice to all be together again and everybody had a nice time. When we finished eating and were leaving the peace hit me again caused by thinking about our time together. I glanced at my watch and the time was 6:33.
We then rode to my sisters house to get a dog cage to take to S.C.C.’s mother. When we finished that we drove home and arrived at St. Joseph’s and the time on the dash was 10:13. We drove home and I checked my email and today’s message from Medjugorje was there. The time on the computer when it arrived was 10:33.
Message of March 25, 2005 "Dear children! Today I call you to love. Little children, love each other with God’s love. At every moment, in joy and in sorrow, may love prevail and, in this way, love will begin to reign in your hearts. The risen Jesus will be with you and you will be His witnesses. I will rejoice with you and protect you with my motherly mantle. Especially, little children, I will watch your daily conversion with love. Thank you for having responded to my call." 03/2005
R_____ C___
Mar. 26, 2005
3:33 Pm