On the evening of July 6th I received a phone call from Sherry M telling me that Fr. P_______ would be coming back in October to give another retreat. At the instant Sherry told me this I felt the peace and looked at my watch and the time was 9:13.
It is at times like this I realize the value of keeping the notes that I keep otherwise I would not be able to keep track of such events.
Wednesday October 26th 2005
I took today off from work because Joe F_______ and myself planned to drive to Baltimore Airport (BWI) to pick up Fr. P_______. Fr. P_______ traveled from Tuajuna, Mexico to San Diego and flew from there to Baltimore. He was scheduled to arrive at 5:37 pm. I did not go to mass this morning because I knew Fr. P_______ would be saying mass later in the evening upon his arrival.
I spent most of the morning catching up on some things around the house and washing the car. I ran a few errands and got quite a few things done. When I finished doing all the things I needed to do I rode into Emmitsburg to get some cash from the ATM machine. I arrived at the ATM machine and there was a "Out of Order" sign on it. This forced me to go to the bank and cash a check.
After finishing at the bank I decided that now was a good time to go to St. Joseph's to pray my daily rosary since it was so close. I never gave the time any consideration and looked at my watch as I walked in the church. The time was 1:13. I prayed the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary and when I finished I left. As I was leaving I met a car directly in front of me with the license plate of 33.
I was scheduled to pick Joe up at his house at 3 pm to drive to Baltimore to pick up Fr. P_______ and just as I was about to leave the house Joe called and said he was driving back from Harrisburg and was running about 10 minutes late. I told Joe I would just wait at his house. Joe arrived and we left for Baltimore. We arrived at the airport and I felt the peace hit me very suddenly. I looked at my watch and the time was 5:13.
Fr. P_______’s plane arrived on time and it was very good to see him again. We loaded his luggage in the car and drove back to Emmitsburg. While driving I suddenly KNEW I should stop at St. Joseph’s. This hit me so suddenly I knew without a doubt that I needed to make that stop. It was at that instant I just happened to notice the odometer was 1.3. We drove for more than an hour and when we arrived at St. Joseph’s the odometer was 13.
While sitting in the car in front of St. Joseph’s Fr. P_______ started to pray and we did not leave until he had finished. Since he is fully aware of what I have been experiencing I pointed out the odometer to him and he just shook his head yes. We then left and drove Fr. P_______ to Phil and Aileen’s house because that is where he is staying. We arrived and just as the car came to a complete stop the time on the dash switched to 7:33.
Very shortly after our arrival Fr. P_______ said mass. After mass I went home and went to bed.
Thursday October 27th 2005
Sleeping late is something I seldom get to do. I did enjoy not having to get up this morning because the LMC retreat does not begin until 6 pm. When I did get up I started to catch up my journal notes. While I was doing that my phone rang and it was Aileen C. Aileen told me that Fr. P_______ was going to have lunch today with Fr. Mike M______ and she wanted to know if I could come over and pick up Fr. P_______ and drive him to St. Mary’s to meet Fr. Mike. I told Aileen that I would be happy to do it. She told me to come at 11:15. When Aileen called the time was 8:13.
I continued what I was doing and just spent the best part of the morning taking it easy. Suddenly I realized that it was about time to go get Fr. P_______. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. I drove straight over to Phil and Aileen’s and looked at my watch just as I arrived and the car came to a complete stop. The time was 11:13:33.
I went in the house and waited for Fr. _______. When he was ready I drove him to St. Mary’s rectory. Fr. Mike was there and he told me to come back and pick up Fr. P_______ around 1 pm. After receiving my instructions I turned around to leave and glanced at my watch and the time was now 11:33:13. I then drove home and when I arrived the odometer was 1.3.
After arriving home I did a few more things around the house and just waited until time to go pick up Fr. P_______. Time came and I drove back to St. Mary’s rectory and when I arrived the odometer was 33. Fr. Mike and Fr. P_______ had not yet returned. Deacon Peter came out and said they most likely went to Brothers Pizza. I just sat in the car and waited. When they arrived I was not at all surprised when I glanced over at the clock on the dash and the time was 1:13.
Fr. Mike thanked me for bringing Fr. P_______ and we stood outside and talked for a few minutes. Fr. P_______ then asked for Fr. Mike’s blessing on the retreat. We then left and as we were pulling out Fr. P_______ asked if we could ride up the hill and make a stop at St. Mary’s to pay the Blessed Sacrament a visit. We did and when we left Fr.P _______ asked about Wayne Weible’s visit here back in August. I told him I had a video copy of Wayne’s talk. He asked if we could stop by my house and pick it up so he could watch it this afternoon. We did and the time was 1:33.
We then started driving back to Phil and Aileen’s house and during this time Fr. P_______ asked me how things were going in my life. I thought about it for a minute and decided that now was as good a time as any to tell him I saw Our Lady of Emmitsburg on December 8th 2004. I told him and described the events that led up to it. When I finished talking Fr. P_______ said “This does not surprise me, actually I expected you to tell me this. I knew Our Lady was preparing you for something huge from reading the papers you sent me. I am sure you will see her again.” It was about this time we arrived back at Phil and Aileen’s and I dropped Fr. P_______ off. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
I then drove home and I simply had a very strong and long lasting feeling of peace. I still had plenty of time before the start of the retreat so I rode to St. Joseph’s to pray my daily rosary. At the instant I arrived a car coming from the opposite direction met me directly in front of St. Joseph’s with the license plate of 33.
I walked in the church and Sr. Claire Mahoney was in there with Larry McLean and Kerry Kelly. They were praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I joined them and when they finished I continued with my daily rosary. I finished the rosary and looked at my watch as I walked out the door and the time was 4:13.
I drove home and started getting ready for the LMC Retreat. I asked C.R.C. if he would like to serve at mass tonight with Fr. P_______. C.R.C. said he would serve. I finished getting ready and got in the car to leave and when I started it the time on the dash was 5:33.
The retreat was being held again at the home of Joe and Jan F_______ like it was last year. It is just down the street from my house. The retreat began with mass at 6 pm and C.R.C. came down with S.C.C. and served. After mass we had dinner and afterwards Fr. P_______ passed out a schedule for the retreat. I then rode home and fell asleep on the living room couch. Hours later I suddenly woke up and went up to bed. I looked at my watch and the time was 1:33:33.
Friday October 28th 2005
I slept very good the rest of the night after going upstairs and going to bed. I got up the next morning and got ready to go back to the retreat which began at 8:30. I drove down the street and looked at my watch as I arrived and the time was 8:33:33.
We ate breakfast and that was followed by Fr. P_______ ’s first talk. The theme of the retreat was “Thirsting Love”. Fr. P_______ ’s talk was excellent and covered many topics and charisisms of The Missionaries of Charity and the impact of it felt around the world because Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said YES to God.
After Fr. P_______ completed this talk we had prayer time until lunch which was scheduled for 12:30. During this prayer time I went down stairs and read the first 8 chapters of John and then went before the Blessed Sacrament for silent prayer. During this time of prayer I had a moment of weakness and the thought ran through my mind that this LMC retreat had nothing to do with Our Lady of Emmitsburg. At the instant this thought crossed my mind it was suddenly replaced with a very strong, crashing and seemingly out of nowhere correction. At that instant I suddenly knew this retreat had EVERYTHING to do with Our Lady of Emmitsburg. It was so clear and strong I knew to glance at my watch and the time was 11:33:33.
We ate lunch and that was followed by more prayer time until the next talk which was scheduled for 3 pm. I took this opportunity to ride home and take care of a few small things and then I rode back in time for the next talk. When this talk finished we had a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament and a group rosary. That was followed by a short break and then we had mass. C.R.C. had returned from school by this time and he served with Fr. P_______. Mass ended and Fr. P_______ began praying over people individually. The time was 6:33.
After Fr. P_______ finished praying over people we had dinner. It was very good. All night Eucharistic Adoration was on the schedule for tonight and people signed up for different hours throughout the night. The sheet came to me and I took what was left which was 2 – 3 am. I was sitting upstairs when I heard people singing Tantum Ergo downstairs which meant Fr. P_______ had exposed the Blessed Sacrament for the night. At this instant I felt the peace and glanced at my watch and the time was 8:33.
It was not long after that Fr. P_______ came back upstairs and he started the private meetings with each LMC member in a side room off from the main part of the house. I ended up being first. I sat down and felt the peace hit me again. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. We started with confession and that was followed by a long discussion.
During this talk we discussed in great detail the events currently taking place in Emmitsburg. I told Fr. P_______ everything. I don’t think I left anything out. It would not be possible to describe it here. It was wonderful because Fr. P_______ has a deep understanding of things that most people can never begin to comprehend such as what it is really like to be at the center of a genuine apparition site of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
During this talk Fr. P_______ asked me if I had ever told Gianna Sullivan about my experiences with Our Lady of Emmitsburg. I told him that I had not but I also told him that there have been numerous times that I suddenly felt like I should only to be hit with a sudden out of nowhere 13, 33 or 333.
Fr. P_______ then said that I should pray and discern because perhaps I should. Fr. P_______ then told me what he has told me before, that I am here for a reason and Our Lady has brought me here and the role is huge. These are his words not mine. Our talk lasted for nearly 2 hours. When we finished I glanced at my watch again and it said XX:XX:33. I then drove home for the night and just as the car came to a complete stop the CD flashed 13.
Saturday October 29th 2005
I overslept by about 10 minutes and so I was late arriving back for my Eucharistic adoration hour. I arrived and relived S.C.C. who had the 1-2 am slot. I knelt down before the Blessed Sacrament and instantly felt the peace. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. I prayed and gave thanks for everything. Before I knew it my hour was up and Karen Major came down and relieved me. I glanced at my watch as I was leaving the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and again it said XX:XX:33. I drove back home and just as the car came to a complete stop the CD flashed 13.
I went straight back to sleep and later in the morning S.C.C. woke me up because we were supposed to be back at the retreat by 7 am. I looked over at the clock when S.C.C. woke me up and the time was 6:33. I got ready and rode back to the retreat and Fr. P_______ had Benediction and just as he was making the sign of the cross with the monstrance I felt the peace and glanced down at my watch and the time was 7:13.
We then prayed the rosary as a group. When that was over the Blessed Sacrament was placed back in the tabernacle. We then watched a DVD video that Fr. P_______ picked up in Germany when he took a group of youths to World Youth Day this past summer. The video was one of the best I have ever seen and it covered Pope John Paul’s II death that took place while we were in Medjugorje this past April.
Watching the video brought back vivid memories of this last trip to Medjugorje. The video ended and we took a break. I rode home for a little while and turned on my computer. There was a message about Medjugorje and I clicked on it. It took me straight to a video clip of Mirjana having her monthly apparition in Medjugorje. It was at that instant I felt the peace and noticed the time on my computer was 11:33.
I rode back to the retreat and Fr. P_______ had resumed confessions and personal talks with the LMC members who had not yet done so. Fr. P_______ asked me to do a small favor for him which I was happy to do. After doing this small favor I rode into Emmitsburg and stopped at St. Joseph’s to pray the rosary. I looked at my watch as I walked in the door and the time was 2:13. I started praying the rosary and about ½ way through I felt the sudden urge to get up and move to a pew where I could see the image of Jesus in the wood grain of the pew (March 4-5, 2005 paper ) it was so strong I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. I moved to where I could see it and did not look at my watch again until I had finished the rosary and the time was then 2:33.
I returned to the retreat and we had the afternoon session. The main topic was the Holy Spirit. Fr. P_______’s talk lasted more than an hour and was followed by mass. Mass ended and Fr. P_______ then prayed over every person individually again. We then had dinner and when that was over I drove home for the evening and when I arrived the odometer was 13.
Sunday October 30th 2005
When I got up this morning the first thing that ran through my mind was the fact that I was baptized in St. Paul’s Catholic Church 50 years ago today in Richmond, Va. I got ready to go back to the retreat and just as I pulled out of my driveway the trip meter portion of the odometer switched to 33.3. I arrived at the retreat and the odometer was still 13.
The day started with a 7 am holy hour that was followed by the rosary. Just as we finished the rosary Phil Coghlan suggested we continue with the Angelus. We prayed this prayer and at the instant we finished the clock switched to 8:33.
Following the prayers Fr. P_______ led us in meditation with music. The meditation was extremely peaceful. We then had breakfast. A little later I needed to take C.R.C. and Peter to St. Mary’s because C.R.C. was scheduled to serve at the 10:30 mass. We arrived at St. Mary’s and as I dropped them off I noticed the time on the dash was 10:13. I drove back to the retreat and when I arrived Fr. P_______ had just begun another talk. When the talk was over I drove back to St. Mary’s to pick C.R.C. and Peter up. As they got in the car I noticed the time was 11:33.
Very shortly after I returned our LMC mass began. It was so nice having a priest who is so supportive of the apparitions or Our Lady here in Emmitsburg. It’s hard to describe. Mass ended and we then sat in the living room and had a time of sharing with Fr. P_______. Each person shared with everyone else the highlights of the retreat for them. It was very good. It was a long group discussion and everyone was thrilled with this great retreat. The retreat ended and I was asked to carry a statue of The Infant of Prague out to Karen Major’s car. I did and the time was 3:33.
Several of the LMC members then drove Fr. P_______ over to Gwen Lamb’s house. Gwen is a local artist who paints icons on slate. The apparitions of Our Lady of Emmitsburg is her main subject. Gwen showed us her latest works and presented a slate with the crucifixion scene that focused on Jesus’s feet as a gift to Fr. P_______. He was stunned. Fr. P_______ wanted to stay at Gwen’s for a while and the rest of us left. Fr. P_______ said he would call when he was ready to be picked up.
I drove Aileen home and went in and talked to her and Phil for a good while. Fr. P_______ called saying he was ready to be picked up. I drove back to Gwen’s house and then drove Fr. P_______ back to Phil and Aileen’s. We arrived and the odometer was 33 and the instant the car came to a complete stop the CD flashed 33. Fr. P_______ was aware of this. I then drove home and pulled in my driveway and the time on the dash was 6:33.
LMC Day of Recollection & My LMC PinWednesday November 2, 2005
A few days after the LMC retreat ends Fr. P_______ holds a day of recollection that summarizes the entire retreat. This day of recollection is open to anyone who wants to come. It was advertised in the St. Mary’s bulletin and about 40 people attended.
I took the day off from work and just as I got dressed and put on my watch a thought ran through my mind of how blessed we are here in Emmitsburg to have the Missionary of Charity Fathers give us such special attention. I instantly knew why and glanced at my watch as I was first putting it on. The time was 7:13.
I went down stairs and had a cup of coffee and a little later as I walked through the living room I noticed my LMC crucifix pin sitting on top of a table. I picked it up to pin it on just as the feeling of peace hit me. I glanced at my watch and the time was 7:33.
I then did a few things around the house before leaving to go to St. Mary’s for the Day of Recollection which was scheduled to begin at 9 am. When I left I was struck with another feeling of peace and noticed just as I was pulling out the CD flashed 13. I arrived at St. Mary’s and just as I turned the car off the CD again flashed 13.
I was a little surprised and confused when I walked in the church because both Fr. Mike and Fr. P_______ were celebrating mass at a time when mass is usually not going on. I was then told that this was the 2nd mass at St. Mary’s today because both priest plan on celebrating 3 masses for All Souls Day. This was Fr. Mike’s 2nd of the day and Fr. P_______’s 1st.
The mass ended and was followed by coffee and doughnuts downstairs in the parish hall. Fr. P_______ then asked everyone to go upstairs in the church because the Day of Recollection was about to begin. I walked back upstairs and glanced at my watch as I walked back in the church and the time was 9:33.
The Day of Recollection began and Fr. P_______ gave his first talk. He talked about this past World Youth Day that he attended with a group of under privileged youth from Mexico. It was a very good talk. When he finished the talk I glanced at my watch and the time was 10:13.
We went back downstairs had had more coffee and doughnuts and then returned to the church and Fr. P_______ exposed the Blessed Sacrament on the altar. We prayed the rosary as a group and that was followed by Benediction. Fr. P_______ then gave his 2nd talk and just as he finished I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
At this point we broke for lunch and were told to be back in the church at 1 pm. After lunch I was in the restroom washing my hands when I noticed in the mirror that my LMC crucifix pin had fallen off. I looked all around for it but did not find it. The thought of loosing that pin was very distressing to me. I suddenly remembered back to the morning of August 15, 2003 when it was first presented to me by Fr. Messaro at 8:33:00.
I then walked back in the church for Fr. P_______’s next talk which began at 1 pm. After the talk we had mass and it was Fr. P_______’s 2nd mass of the day. When mass ended he prayed over every person individually and when he finished I noticed the time was 3:33.
Fr. P_______ then heard confessions for the rest of the afternoon. We had taken up a collection for the MC Fathers and some of the checks were made out to cash and some of them were made out to me because I am the LMC Link for this area. I left and rode into Emmitsburg to cash the checks before the bank closed. I got them cashed and stopped by St. Joseph’s for just a minute since it was so close to the bank. When I arrived at St. Joseph’s the odometer was 3.3.
I then rode by St. Peter’s Books because S.C.C. was working. We talked for a few minutes and I mentioned to her that I had lost my LMC crucifix pin. S.C.C. then told me that Gwen Lamb had found one on the floor at St. Mary’s earlier today and put it in the lost and found box. I drove back to St. Mary’s to get the pin and when I arrived the odometer was 3.3.
I got my LMC pin out of the lost and found and Fr. P_______ was just finishing hearing confessions. Phil Coghlan then asked me to stop by his house tonight to say good bye to Fr. P_______ because he leaves in the morning. I left at the same time everybody else did and glanced at my watch as I walked out the door. It said XX:XX:33.
I drove to Phil and Aileen’s house and talked with them and Fr. P_______ for a while. I was getting ready to leave when Fr. P_______ said he wanted to offer his 3rd mass of the day for All Souls Day. I was invited to stay so I did. Mass ended and I said good bye to Fr. P_______ and left to go home. I pulled in my driveway and glanced at my watch at the instant the car came to a complete stop and the time was 10:33:59.
R_____ C___
Nov. 16, 2005
1:13:33 Pm