When I write these papers I am at complete peace, I pray before and during the time I write these papers. I only write these papers in the past tense as an accurate description of something that has already happened. I never know what I will be writing about next. Everything comes as a surprise to me. The only thing I do know is that Our Lady of Emmitsburg and Her Son orchestrate these events. I am convinced of that. If I was not sure of that I would not write them.
It amazes me how a sudden, split second thought that seems to come from nowhere is perfectly timed around 13, 33 and 333’s and is over in a instant. It may end up taking 3 or 4 typed pages or more to write it all down after acting upon it. Today is a perfect example of something that all started in the flash of an instant as I suddenly knew it was time to give Fr. O’Malley my papers again as I described in the previous paper.
I then needed to drive to Frederick to pick up a tape that C.R.C. needed for school. While I was driving I had a sudden crashing thought that the time had come for me to send Fr. O’Malley an updated copy of my papers that pick up where his old copy left off. This was so very strong I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13 and the odometer was 3.3. I then looked up and the CD was 13.
At that point I knew I should give the papers to Fr. O’Malley despite his very public attacks against the apparitions of Our Lady of Emmitsburg lately.
Since the above event I knew I was going to put this on my “things to do list” but I did not know when I would actually get around to doing it. Things like that just depend on when I have time or the opportunity just happens to present itself. I did not feel rushed to do it. I had no idea the opportunity would present itself so quickly.This morning I left to go to work and stopped at St. Joseph’s on the way to say a few prayers. I finished my prayers and at the very instant I was leaving a car pulled out in front of me, directly in front of the church with the license plate of 13.
I arrived at work and did a few thing before having to leave to ride over to George Mason University to attend a “mandatory” company meeting that was followed by a catered lunch. When we left to go to the meeting I started my car and left and the time on the dash was 10:13.
I drove to George Mason and attended the yearly company meeting. The meeting started at 10:30 and ended around noon. When the meeting was over Frank K asked if I was going to stay for the lunch and I said no. Frank then said “Your going to adoration aren’t you.?” I said yes. Frank said he wished he could go with me. I then drove to All Saint’s for adoration and glanced at my watch as I walked in the chapel door and the time was 12:13. I genuflected to enter my pew and it said 12:13:13.
Since I knew everyone from work was still at the company meeting lunch I took that opportunity to pray the entire rosary. When I finished the rosary I got in my car to leave and as soon as I started the car the CD track flashed 13. I drove back to work and arrived at 1:33 and the odometer was 1.3
I arrived back at work from praying the rosary just as the others were returning from George Mason. It ended up being a very slow afternoon and there was no work coming in at all. I suddenly remembered I wanted to make copies of my papers for Fr. O’Malley and this was the perfect time to do so. I made the copies and just as I finished I felt the peace hit me very hard. I knew to glance at my watch and the time was 3:13. I looked at the time on the copier and it also said 3:13.
I then typed up a short cover letter to Fr. O’Malley and at the instant I finished the letter I again felt the peace. I looked at my watch and the time was now 3:33. I then put the latest packs of papers together for both Fr. ___ and Fr. M_____ and at the instant I sealed their envelopes I again felt the peace and glanced at my watch and it now said 4:13.
Later in the afternoon I got off from work when everyone else left because it was still very slow. I stopped at All Saint’s to pray before the Blessed Sacrament about sending the papers to Fr. O’Malley. I arrived and glanced at my watch just as I knelt before the Blessed Sacrament and it said XX:XX:13. After I said my prayers I looked at my watch as I walked out of the chapel door and it said XX:XX:33. I got in my car to leave and the CD flashed 13.
I started driving home and stopped at the Manassas post office to mail the package of papers to Fr. O’Malley. At the instant I arrived at the post office and walked in the door I glanced at my watch and the time was 6:13:00. I mailed the package and the receipt printed out with the time of 6:13.
I left and drove back to Emmitsburg and stopped at St. Joseph’s to say a few more prayers. I looked at my watch as the car came to a complete stop and the time was 8:13:33. I prayed the Glorious rosary and glanced at my watch at the instant I finished and kissed the crucifix and it said 8:33:33.
R_____ C___
Dec. 26, 2005
9:13:13 Pm