Public Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg

To the World

through Gianna Sullivan

February 11, 2006


The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Little children, praised be Jesus!

Little ones, I do not want you to be concerned about my words to the

world regarding the communication from the Holy See. The fact of the

matter is that there has never been such a written communication, and

so the Truth must be made known. For as the Mother of God, I must

uphold the Truth; and at all costs, the Truth must be directed to

God. So please, do not be concerned. God the Father will take care

of all of this.

The fact is that I do uphold my priests. I do support this Church,

the Church of my Son. I do support everything in obedience to the

Hierarchy of the Church; but when there is error and when the "truth"

is not the Truth, then all must be revealed.

I am not concerned about what anyone might say to you against my most

Immaculate Heart, because I belong to God, just as you belong to

God. I am not God, so I cannot judge. Justice rests between their

own souls and God when they meet their Creator.

However, I have also spoken in the past that my Son is the Light of

the world. If something is not correct, then if you do not speak up

and challenge and change this, you will be held accountable. There

are many of my beloved Christian children who are so afraid, afraid

because they are confused and afraid because they fear disobedience;

but there has also been a tremendous sin of omission on the part of

some in the Church Hierarchy.

Because this is the Center of my most Immaculate Heart, it is

important that all my children, those who are afraid, those who are

confused, and those who won't stand up even if there be the sin of

omission, all of them must look to their Mother. I am the Mother of

all the children of this world. See how I not only defended my Son,

but how I also will defend the Truth, as I will defend you.

Peace to you. Know that if you pray and if you love, if you are

devoted to my Son through works of charity and Love and through

adoration and praise, if you strive to live in His Holy Will, and if

you listen and accept change, then you too will stand tall and defend

the Truth; and you will know that you are safe. Peace