Public Message
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World
through Gianna Sullivan
September 3, 2006
Little children, praised be Jesus!
My little ones, I take all of your petitions and intentions to my Son. You are all welcome! I am so grateful for your prayers, for all of your penances, and for your giving to me all of your heart. I direct you to my Son, and I invite all people of all faiths to return to Him.
Little ones, there is a tremendous mission now in which you are all invited to be ambassadors of Light, a mission of action, to proclaim the Word of my Son and to live your lives most wholesomely and purely.
You see, my Son Whose most adorable Body was raised on the Cross, hanging, wounded, and with ligaments torn from the rage of His enemies, looked down and knew that there would be many who would walk away from Him and not be able to receive Eternal Life. He also knew those precious souls who would be with Him for all eternity.
It is the same today. We must all pray and work together in unity to be like Jesus. All are welcome! All are challenged!
For once you know the Truth, you cannot walk away. You must walk the Way of my Son. It is the only Way to true freedom, peace and happiness. Your joy will be the Joy of His Love. You must do your part. You cannot share that Joy unless you live it. Everyone must do his (her) part. Everyone is invited.
I am here with you, and my Son will never abandon you. He forgave His enemies, as you too must do. Thank you, little ones, for your gracious love and prayers. This is now a call to action, the totus tuus to God the Father.
Peace and blessings from God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit!
Reflection by Fr. John B. Wang
Our Lady is issuing a solemn and urgent Call to Action to help advance the complete Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. To attain that stage, that is the Era of Peace and Glory, a concerted effort is needed because all evil from the world must be eliminated and all darkness dispersed. Accordingly, She is calling all of us, people of all faiths, to come to Jesus and become ambassadors of Light and to live a wholesome, pure life. Everyone has a mission to fulfill and no one can be lethargic, indifferent or dormant. Prayer, penance, and a Totus Tuus consecration to God the Father are the tools to achieve this victory. Defend the Truth, live the Truth, for this is the only way to freedom, peace, happiness and joy.