Sometimes I think back over my life and I think about how I would have done things differently if I knew then what I know now. In just about every aspect of my life I would change the way I did things, if I could.
I have learned a lot since my first night at The Thursday Night Prayer Group in St. Joseph’s back on November 19, 1998. If there is anything in my life that I would not change, it would be my acceptance to the knowledge that I needed to change and as a result, the support I have given to the apparitions of Our Lady of Emmitsburg.
I have no regrets when it comes to this despite the hardships and ridicule that comes as a result. I don’t believe there is a person on earth who could go through what I have been through and not do the same thing. It could have been anybody and I accept and embrace the fact it was a grace from God that it was me. My response was and continues to be, yes.
S.C.C. and I were scheduled to be Eucharistic Ministers at St. Mary’s this morning at the 10:30 mass. C.R.C. served last night at the 5:30 mass. S.C.C. left to go to St. Mary’s early because she was running the monthly St. Mary’s Welcome Table. When I left to go to mass I glanced at my watch as I walked out the door and it said XX:XX:33. I drove to St. Mary’s and just as I shut the car off the CD flashed 13.
S.C.C. and I processed in with Fr. Mike Messaro and Deacon Peter Zorjan and mass began at 10:33. Mass ended and Mike Sullivan stopped me to tell me a few things about the response received about Fr. Al Pehrsson’s CD testimony. When Mike was telling me about this the time was 11:33. I drove home and when I arrived the odometer was 13.
I spent the rest of the morning doing things at home and catching up on a few things I needed to do. Later in the day I left to go to the public apparition of Our Lady at the Lynfield Event Complex. I needed to stop by St. Peter’s Books to pick up Ray Sanders because he called last night asking for a ride. I started the car to leave and from where I arrived home from church this morning, the odometer was 13 and I glanced over at the CD and it flashed 13.
I drove to St. Peter’s to pick up Ray and at the instant the car came to a complete stop I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13. Ray and I left and I stopped at St. Joseph’s to say a prayer before leaving for today’s apparition. I glanced at my watch as I walked in the church and the time was 1:33:00.
After completing my prayers I left and as I was walking back to my car, two ladies stopped me and asked if I could give them directions to the Lynfield because they planned on attending today’s apparition. I told them to just follow me because I was also going there. They followed me and we arrived and just as I shut the car off the CD flashed 133.
Peter Blanchard, Wayne Warthen and myself set up the audio/video equipment so people in the overflow room could witness the apparition take place. We ran into one problem after another and had serious doubts that we would ever get things to work properly. It was that bad. We finally got everything working and everything looked ok. Mike Sullivan started the prayer group and a few minutes later the equipment went out again. A few minutes later it came on again and worked fine. The time was 3:13.
There was a good crowd of people present today. Our Lady of Emmitsburg appeared to Gianna during the 4th decade of the rosary at 4:02 pm. S.C.C. and I were in the overflow room watching on the big screen projection TV and very shortly after the apparition began my mind went straight back to May 13th 2006 when Our Lady appeared to Gianna in our living room. I was filled with peace and glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
The apparition ended after Our Lady gave Gianna today’s message and the rosary resumed. At the instant the decade that Our Lady appeared in completed, I felt the peace hit me. I glanced at my watch and the time was 4:13. Upon completion of the entire rosary I again felt the peace and glanced at my watch as I kissed the Crucifix and this time it said XX:XX:33.
The prayer group continued with the normal prayers and Jim O’Brien led the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Fr. Kieran Kavanaugh and Fr. Simon Ingler then blessed everybody present today and the prayer group ended. S.C.C. left to go home and I stayed behind to help clean up.
When we finished I left and drove back to Emmitsburg and stopped at St. Joseph’s to pray another rosary. I arrived at walked up to the corner of the church and kissed it as I began the rosary. I felt the peace and glanced at my watch and the time was 6:13:13. I prayed the rosary as I walked around the church and when I finished I got in my car to leave and when I started it the time on the dash was 6:33.
I drove down the street to stop by Ivan P’s house to install some software on his computer, I also had dinner there. When I finished I had the urge to pray another rosary as I arrived back at St. Joseph’s. I glanced at my watch as the car came to a complete stop and it said XX:XX:13. I sat in the car and prayed another rosary. When I finished and kissed the crucifix I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. At the instant I pulled out to drive home the odometer switched to 13.3.
R_____ C___Dec. 8, 2006
8:33:33 Am