Medjugorje Trip
December 27, 2006 - January 5, 2007
This marks the 5th trip I have made to Medjugorje and S.C.C. and C.R.C.’s 4th. During this trip Our Lady has again shown me that the link between Her appearances in Emmitsburg and Medjugorje is unshakable. During
this trip I experienced a sequence of events that began with Gianna Sullivan in Emmitsburg and ended in Medjugorje with visionary Vicka Ivankovik who like Gianna receives apparitions of Our Lady daily. It is only because of the reality of this link between these two apparition sites that what I am going to describe could have possibly happened. I had no control over it whatsoever, just a willingness to do as Our Lady would like. I left everything up to Her because anything I do on my own pertaining to this is destined for failure.Friday December 22, 2006
I attended mass this morning at St. Mary’s. Mass ended and Gianna Sullivan walked up to me and asked if I could deliver an envelope to Vicka Ivankovik in Medjugorje for her. I said yes not knowing for sure if I could give it to her personally or have to have someone else actually give it to her for me. I just knew I would do the best I could.
I left to go to a dentist appointment. While I was driving to the dentist I was thinking about this and SUDDENLY felt like there was a good reason for me taking the letter for Gianna and that I would get it to Vicka with the help of Our Lady. At the very instant I was filled with this confidence I glanced over and the CD flashed 33.
Wednesday December 27, 2006
S.C.C., C.R.C. and I leave for Medjugorje today with Fiat Voluntas Tua who is the Medjugorje travel group we always go with. Lynn Hoffman who used to lead each group has retired and handed Fiat over to Grace Legaspi who I have met on earlier trips to Medjugorje.
We drove to St. Mary’s this morning to attend the 8 am mass. At the instant we arrived and the car came to a complete stop the CD flashed 133. We attended mass and during the consecration I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13. Mass ended and Mike and Gianna Sullivan wished us a safe trip to Medjugorje as we were leaving and the time was 8:33.
The rest of the morning was spent doing last minute things in preparation for our trip. We needed to stop at the ATM machine in Emmitsburg to get some cash and stopped at St. Joseph’s to pray about our trip on the way. When we arrived at St. Joseph’s the odometer was 1.3.
We went in the church and joined a rosary that was already in progress. When that was over we left and at the instant we pulled out we met an oncoming car with the license plate of 33. We stopped by McDonald’s and picked up breakfast and then went and got the cash from the ATM machine. On the way home we arrived back at St. Joseph’s and the time was 9:33. We completed our errands and drove home, when we pulled in the driveway the odometer was 13.
Peter Kahn operates Maria’s Transport service and we hired him to take us to the airport and pick us up when we return. Peter picked us up shortly before 2 pm and drove us to Dulles Airport. We arrived at Dulles and the time on Peter’s dash was 3:33.
We checked in at the Austrian Airlines counter and got our boarding passes and then we had to go through the long security process. After we completed all that stuff we arrived at our gate and met up with the other 4 members of our Fiat group. I sat down to relax after a long and nerve wracking process. I looked at my watch and the time was 4:33.
Later we were called to board and at the instant I stepped on the plane I felt the peace. I glanced at my watch and the time was 5:33:13. We took our assigned seats which were 33 A, B, and C. The pilot made a few announcements and the plane departed from the gate at 6:13. Shortly after takeoff I felt a strong feeling of peace that suddenly replaced a feeling of anxiety I was having. I glanced at my watch and the time was 6:33.
After we had been flying for a while I looked over at S.C.C. as she was talking to C.R.C. about this trip to Medjugorje. S.C.C. was the one who originally said she wanted to go back to Medjugorje. This trip was S.C.C.’s Christmas present. I just happened to look over at her at the precise instant to see the peak of joy in her face as she talked to C.R.C. about it. I knew to glance at my watch and the time was 7:33.
As the flight wore into the night I decided this was the perfect time to fix my favorite rosary that recently broke. It is my favorite rosary because I got it in Emmitsburg in the earliest days of my attendance of the Thursday Night Prayer Group at St. Joseph’s. I got the rosary out of my pocket and glanced at my watch and the time was 10:33. I completed the repair and noticed the monitor in front of my seat said the remaining time to Vienna was 3:13.
Thursday December 28, 2006
We approached Vienna and the clouds were extremely thick and the pilot reported dense fog. We came in for our landing and I was looking out of the window. The fog was so thick I could not see the runway until about 5 seconds before the wheels hit the runway. At the instant the wheels touched down I glanced at my watch and the time was 7:33:59.
We had about a 6 hour wait in the Vienna Airport before our connecting flight took off for Sarajevo. The flight was delayed because of fog. We were very tired. They finally called us to board the plane and the time was 2:13.
Once we arrived in Sarajevo Ivan Musa met us and we started about a 4 hour drive to Medjugorje. We arrived at the house we were staying in which was located at the foot of Apparition Hill and about a minute later Mirjana Soldo who is one of the six Medjugorje visionaries came to welcome us. I looked at my watch when she arrived and the time was 8:13.
Our host family had a very good dinner prepared for us. After we finished eating S.C.C., C.R.C., Grace, Tress, Tony and myself left to climb Apparition Hill. Jim went to bed. We made the climb and prayed for a while at the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje. We returned to the house and the time was 9:33. In Emmitsburg because of the 6 hour time difference the time on my watch was 3:33.
We still had a little energy left in us and walked into town via the path through the fields and had a snack at Vlado’s Café. We took a taxi back and everyone went to bed except me. I sat up for a little while and caught up my notes that will be used for this paper and finished them at 11:33.
Friday December 29, 2006
I got a good nights sleep, when I woke up we ate breakfast that had already been prepared and afterwards we left to go to the 10 am English speaking mass at St. James. We all decided to walk and I glanced at my watch as we walked out the door and the time was 9:33.
We arrived at St. James and mass was held in the adoration chapel because of the low number of English speaking people currently in Medjugorje. I glanced at my watch as we walked in the chapel and it said XX:XX:13. A Canadian priest celebrated mass and I felt the peace at the consecration. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
After mass Miki Musa gave an introduction talk behind St. James Church. When that was complete I mentioned to Miki that I had a envelope to give to Vicka. I asked Miki if he knew how I could deliver it. Miki hardly acknowledged me. S.C.C. and I then went to Miro’s shop (Mirjana’s Brother) and made some purchases for St. Peter’s Book Store in Emmitsburg. When we finished that I suddenly felt the feeling of peace hit me as we walked out the door. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33.
We then walked back to the house which was not far away. A little later we walked back into town and looked around. We attended the 5 pm rosary and daily apparition at St. James and also attended the International Pilgrim Mass that followed. Our entire group then had dinner at Vlado’s. When dinner was over we walked back to St. James to catch a taxi back to the house. When we arrived at St. James the time on my watch was 9:33.
When we got back to the house everyone wanted to make a night time climb up Apparition Hill. All 7 members of our group went including Jim Farrell who is in his late 70’s. At the instant we stepped onto Apparition Hill I felt worried for Jim because of his age and frailness. Suddenly I just knew Our Lady would help him up the hill. This sudden feeling of peace caused me to glance at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
We made the rocky climb with no problems. We spent some time in prayer at the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje and made the climb down. At the instant we stepped off Apparition Hill I thanked Our Lady for Jim’s safe trip. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
We walked the 100 yards or so to our house and had a cup of coffee. Everyone then went to bed.
Saturday December 30, 2006
I did not sleep well last night. I felt like I just laid awake the entire night. I guess I did doze off at times but only for a few minutes. I felt harassed by something. It was an uncomfortable night. It was the kind of night that a child would be screaming for his mother.
We had breakfast at 7 am and Miki Musa came to take our group to hear a talk that was being given by Vicka Ivankovik who is one of the three Medjugorje visionaries who still see Our Lady daily.
I thought the talk would be given in a building like some of the other Medjugorje visionaries do. I also thought that I would be able to walk up to Vicka and give her the envelope Gianna Sullivan gave me to give to her. I could not have been more wrong.
Vicka spoke in Croatian from the balcony of her mothers house in Bijakovici which is the house where Vicka was born. Miki translated to English. There were thousands upon thousands of people cramming the street below to hear Vicka talk. It was an ocean of shoulder to shoulder people.
It was at this point I saw absolutely no possibility at all of me being able to deliver Gianna’s letter to her. At this point I figured I would just have to give it to someone else who would be able to give it to her so that she would at least eventually get it. It was an impossible task.
Just before Vicka finished speaking I SUDDENLY felt like I was giving up to easily and that if there was any possibility of delivering the letter I needed to pray. This is how I prayed: “Blessed Mother, if you want this envelope from Gianna delivered to Vicka you will have to be the one to make it happen, as You can see I have no possibility of gaining access to Vicka to give it to her. I then prayed a Hail Mary. When I finished I felt the peace run through me and glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
About five minutes later I saw Miki Musa coming towards me. I asked Miki if he remembered me telling him yesterday that I had a envelope that I needed to deliver to Vicka. Miki again hardly acknowledged me and continued to where ever it was he was going. About 3 to 5 minutes later Miki came up to me and said “Follow me”.
Miki led me through the crowd of people and instructed the security people to open the gate that led to the house Vicka was in. We walked up a narrow flight of steps that led to the balcony Vicka spoke from and from there we walked in the house. During this time I knew it was Our Lady who was in control and handling this situation.
The first thing I noticed as we walked in the house was a near life size statue of The Sacred Heart very similar to the one in St. Joseph’s in Emmitsburg. Vicka was talking on the phone. About two minutes later when she hung up Miki told her that I had something for her. Vicka then walked up to me and I told her that I had a envelope from Gianna Sullivan in Emmitsburg, Maryland and that I was delivering it for her.
Vicka was no less than thrilled and gave me a hug and a kiss after I handed her the envelope from Gianna. At this point I felt like my job was done and I turned to leave. As I did so I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. Vicka then stopped me and said for me to stay so we could pray together.
Vicka then placed her hand on my head and started to pray. She said it was a blessing from Our Lady for me to take home to my family. This went on for what seemed like a long time. Miki was standing next to me and said “I think you would like a picture of this” and he reached in my camera bag that was slung over my shoulder and started taking pictures of Vicka praying over me. I did not ask him to do this, he just did it.
When Vicka finished praying she again thanked me for delivering the envelope and Miki and I left. As we walked out the door Miki was delayed by someone asking him something. As I stood there in almost disbelief of what just happened I suddenly felt the peace caused by knowing the job of delivering the envelope under impossible conditions was done. I glanced at my watch and the time was 8:33:33.
At this point I did not know where S.C.C. or C.R.C. was. I figured I would just end up meeting them at the 10 am English mass at St. James. The huge crowd of people were still clogging the streets and finding them would be nearly impossible. I suddenly remembered that I had not yet thanked Our Lady for helping me deliver Gianna’s envelope to Vicka. I simply said “Thank You Blessed Mother” and glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
I walked to St. James with a woman named Freda and met up with S.C.C. and C.R.C. at mass. At the consecration I felt the peace and glanced at my watch and the time was 10:33. Mass ended and all of us went to Vlado’s for coffee except for C.R.C. who went with Miki to another groups orientation talk. After coffee we got up to leave and I glanced at my watch and the time was 12:13:13.
We met up with C.R.C. and went back to the house for lunch. After lunch I went upstairs to take a nap. I fell asleep and was later awakened by the sound of Miki’s voice as he came to take our group to the Conocolo Community. I looked at my watch as I awoke and the time was 2:33.
S.C.C. and C.R.C. did not go to Conocolo. The rest of us took a tour of the Conocolo Community where men come to get help from drugs or alcohol from other members of the community who have had the same problems in the past. Four of the members have become priest. We finished the tour and returned to the house and the time was 4:13.
We returned to the house and within a few minutes it was time to leave for St. James for the 5 pm rosary and apparition that takes place at 5:40. There were five of us who were going and the taxi only takes four. I said I would walk and the others could ride. I had already started walking when the taxi driver told me to get in. It was a tight fit. The driver dropped us off at St. James and I glanced at my watch as we arrived and the time was 4:33:00. It was at that instant Grace said “Look Robert here comes your family”. I met up with S.C.C. and C.R.C. and the time was still 4:33.
We went in St. James and already the church was so jammed packed with people that it was all you could do to squeeze into a square inch of floor tile space. The rosary began and it was so uncomfortable being squeezed to tightly against other people that I considered leaving. At that instant I felt like Our Lady was asking that I stay and give the suffering to Her Son. This feeling was so strong I glanced at my watch and the time was 5:13.
The daily apparition took place at 5:40 pm and the rosary was stopped. The church fell silent except for violin music that marked the moment. A few minutes later the rosary resumed and was followed by the 6 pm International Pilgrim mass in Croatian. During this mass I was again disturbed by the discomfort of being jammed so tight and again considered leaving. Again I suddenly felt the same urge as before to stay. I glanced at my watch and the time was now 6:33. I stayed until the very end and when everything was over I felt a tremendous feeling of peace run through me. I glanced down at my watch and the time was 7:13:59.
I met up with the other six members of our group and they all wanted to eat at Vlado’s. I had not yet been to confession so I told the others I would meet them there after I had been to confession. I got in the English speaking line and there were only 4 other people in front of me. After more than an hour of waiting in 25 degree weather and still two more people in front of me I gave up and went to Vlado’s.
I ate and the others waited for me. We then walked back to St. James for the 9 pm Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament. When that was over we left and I got back in line to go to confession and the others went back to Vlado’s. During this confession I discussed with the priest my negative feelings of some priest who try to destroy the apparitions of Our Lady in Emmitsburg. I received absloution and glanced at my watch as I walked out of the confessional and the time was 10:33:33.
We rode a taxi back to the house, at the instant the taxi rode past the entrance of Apparition Hill I suddenly felt the urge to climb again tonight. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. We arrived at the house and C.R.C. was the only person who wanted to climb with me. I waited for Chris to get ready and we left. I glanced at my watch as we walked out the door and it said XX:XX:33.
We arrived at Apparition Hill and I looked at my watch as we stepped onto the hill and the time was 11:13. We made the climb and spent a few minutes in prayer at the statue of Our Lady. We climbed down and at the instant we stepped off of Apparition Hill I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
Sunday December 31, 2006
I had a good nights sleep last night. I did not experience any of the problems I encountered the night before. We had breakfast as a group and when that was finished I walked outside. I glanced at my watch and the time was 8:33.
Miki showed up a little while later to lead the official tour and climb up Apparition Hill. We walked to Apparition Hill and prayed the Joyful mysteries of the rosary, stopping at each bronze plaque with each mystery along the way. We got as far at the fourth mystery and it became my turn to lead that decade. I glanced at my watch as I started and the time was 9:33.
We completed the rosary and spent some time at the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje. We left when Miki said it was time to leave. We took a different route down praying the Glorious mysteries along the way which led to the Blue Cross which is located very close to our house. We arrived back and the time was 11:13.
We took taxis to St. James for the English speaking 12 noon mass. Mass was held in the adoration chapel. During the 2nd reading I looked up and there was a brilliant halo of light surrounding the head of Mary in a statue of The Holy Family at the front of the chapel. The light was only around Mary, not the Child Jesus or Joseph. I knew to glance at my watch and the time was 12:13.
It was not until after this had happened that the priest mentioned that today was the Feast of The Holy Family and as I made the connection in my mind I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
Mass ended and Grace wanted to take a picture of our group on the steps leading up to St. James. Grace took her picture several times until she had one she liked and then had to do it again with other peoples cameras. In other words it took a long time. We then walked in St. James and as we did I glanced at my watch and the time was 1:13:00. I prayed the rosary before the statue of Our Lady especially for Her apparitions in Emmitsburg. I looked at my watch when I finished and the time was 1:33.
We went back to the house and I fell asleep. Later in the afternoon S.C.C. woke me up and said it was time to go back to St. James for the 5 pm rosary, daily apparition and a special New Years celebration at St. James. I never looked at my watch until we walked out of the door and the time was 4:33.
We took a taxi and by the time we arrived at St. James the church was full. We decided to try to find a seat in the yellow building (parish hall) and we were able to get seats there. You can still see fine in the yellow building because it is projected on a large screen TV. After the rosary, apparition and 6 pm Pilgrim mass we decided to go to Vlado’s to eat dinner before the 10 pm New Years Celebration and mass began. Like everyone else there we marked our seats with our belongings and left.
After eating at Vlado’s we returned to our seats only to find a woman and her children had moved our belongings and taken our seats and she firmly told me that she was not giving them back. Unfortunately I firmly told her that they were our seats and she had to find her own. I suddenly felt like I should back down. I glanced at my watch and the time was 8:33:33.
I was angry but let her keep our seats. The yellow building was full so now we had to move to the unheated green tent that was set up for the huge overflow crowd. As we walked in the cold green tent I suddenly felt the peace come over me knowing it was what Our Lady wanted. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13.
At this point we had to guard our seats at all times because there were not nearly enough to go around. We still had a good while before the New Year’s program started. S.C.C. and C.R.C. guarded the seats and I walked around for a while. I felt bad that I had been in a argument with the lady who took our seats. I also felt bad that I had been involved in such a disturbance with another person here in Medjugorje.
I walked back over to the yellow building and walked up to the woman who took our seats. She had a stunned look on her face when she saw that I was back. I apologized to her and left. As I walked out the door I felt the peace of knowing I had done the right thing. I glanced at my watch and the time was 9:13:00. As I was walking back to our new seats in the cold, green tent she came running up to me to thank me. She gave me a hug and there were no more hard feelings. It was still 9:13.
The evening New Years program began at 10 pm. It was a huge celebration with music, mass and fireworks. When everything was over we walked back to the house and as we walked in the door I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33.
Monday January 1, 2007
I was the last person down this morning for breakfast. When I noticed everyone else was already eating I glanced at my watch and the time was 8:13. Later we walked to town to go to the noon mass for the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary at St. James. Mass ended and Miki Musa met us as we came out. He said that we needed to meet at Mirjana’s house at 2 pm because Mirjana would be speaking about the apparitions as she has experienced them since 1981. As Miki said this I glanced at my watch and the time was 1:13.
We walked to Mirjana’s house which was just down the street from the house we were staying in. When we arrived Miki was already there and spoke about the apparitions for a while. He then introduced Mirjana who talked in detail about how she and 5 others first saw Our Lady on June 24, 1981 and how Our Lady introduced Herself the next day on June 25, 1981.
I would also like to say that during the time Mirjana described Our Lady she emphasized more on the radiance and transmission of Love more than a physical description of Her appearance. As she talked about this there were two times I knew exactly what she was talking about because it was exactly what I experienced on Dec 8, 2004 and May 28, 2006 when I saw Our Lady of Emmitsburg. Both times I glanced at my watch and both times it said XX:XX:13.
It was a very nice talk followed by questions and answers. Mirjana was very patient with everyone who wanted to ask a question. When it ended and I got up to leave I glanced at my watch and the time was 3:13:13.
Later in the evening we went back to St. James for the regular evening program, rosary, apparition and pilgrim mass. It is wonderful to see the Franciscan priest work so tirelessly to accommodate Our Lady’s presence day in and day out. Mass ended and we ate at Vlado’s and then returned to St. James. When we arrived back at the church I glanced at my watch and the time was 8:13:59.
Everybody in our group started walking home and I stayed behind. I stopped at a internet café across the street from St. James and sent Gianna a email telling her that I had delivered her envelope to Vicka. I then started the 20 minute walk back to the house through the vineyards. About half way home I was suddenly struck with a feeling of peace as I thought about how Gianna’s letter got delivered. The feeling was so strong I stopped and looked at my watch and the time was 9:13.
By the time I arrived back at the house it had started to drizzle. I asked if anybody wanted to climb Apparition Hill. C.R.C. and Grace were the only ones who wanted to join me. We arrived at Apparition Hill and I was surprised to find so many other people climbing. We made it to the statue of Our Lady and I prayed the Glorious mysteries of the rosary. I never looked at my watch until I had finished and the time was 10:13. We climbed down using the route that leads to the Blue Cross and arrived back at the house at 10:33.
Tuesday January 2, 2007
We had a very early 6 am breakfast because Mirjana has her monthly apparition of Our Lady today. She has this on the 2nd of every month. Miki came to take us to the Conocolo Community which is where the apparition takes place. I looked at my watch as we walked out the door to go there and the time was 6:33:33.
As we walked to Conocolo it started to rain very lightly. We arrived and Miki seated us up front next to where Mirjana would be. We still had a good while before the apparition would take place. The building filled up very quickly to the point of not being able to squeeze another person in. I looked out the window and saw people standing in pouring down rain with umbrellas. I had the sudden urge to pray the rosary. I glanced at my watch as I pulled my rosary out of my pocket and the time was 8:13. I prayed the Glorious mysteries and completed it at 8:33.
About 9 am Mirjana came in surrounded by a group of people protecting her from the crowd. Miki was one of them. Mirjana took her position and we began to pray. Our Lady appeared to Mirjana and I glanced at my watch when She came. The time was 9:12:48 and the apparition ended at 9:18.
The Conocolo community sang songs and after a while Miki translated Our Lady’s message from Croatian to English and read it to us.
“Dear Children! In this holy time, with God’s graces and His love, which sends me to you, I implore you do not be with a heart of stone. May fasting and prayer be your weapon for drawing closer to and coming to know Jesus, my Son. Follow me and my luminous example. I will help you. I am with you. Thank you.”
Mirjana added
: Expression on Our Lady’s face during the entire apparition was one of pain and sorrowful. She spoke to me of things I cannot yet speak of. She blessed both us and the religious articles. The expression on her face was especially serious when she was emphasizing, the ‘priestly blessing’ and was asking for prayer and fasting for the priests.We then left and started walking towards a bus that was going to take us to see Fr. Jozo. Because of the huge crowd it was parked about a mile away. It was now pouring down rain and I got soaked to the bone. Because of this I decided not to go with the group to hear Fr. Jozo. I glanced at my watch as I made the decesion to go back to the house and it said XX:XX:13. I got on dry clothes and went to sleep. When I woke up I looked at my watch and the time was 12:13.
About an hour later the rest of the group returned from Fr. Jozo’s and they all seemed to agree that going there was worth all they had to go through to get there. Later in the afternoon Jim knocked on our door and said it was time to go to St. James for the evening program. I looked at my watch when he said that and the time was 4:13.
S.C.C. and C.R.C. did not go and I left with the rest of the group. We attended the rosary, apparition and pilgrim mass in the yellow building because there was no room in the church. We then left and the time was 7:13:59.
Wednesday January 3, 2007
It felt very good to be able to sleep late this morning. We left to go to the 10 am English speaking mass at St. James adoration chapel. At the consecration I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13. After mass S.C.C. and I stopped in the Franciscan Gift Shop and picked up a small gift for both Fr. Leo and Fr. Mike. After we did that I glanced at my watch as we walked out the door and the time was 11:33:00.
S.C.C. and I then walked to Vlado’s and had a cup of coffee and we met Jim there. When we finished we walked back over to St. James. I sat in front of the statue of Our Lady and prayed both the Joyful and Glorious mysteries of the rosary, again mainly for Our Lady’s apparitions in Emmitsburg. When I finished I felt the peace, I looked at my watch and the time was 12:13.
We walked through Medjugorje and S.C.C. wanted to stop at Leo’s gold shop. She ended up getting her 48th birthday present there which was a gold crucifix. We then walked back to the St. James adoration chapel and prayed before the Blessed Sacrament.
S.C.C. prayed on her knees for a long time. When she got up and returned to a sitting position I had a feeling of peace caused by the memory of her protestant days and how far she has come since being converted in Emmitsburg because of Our Lady there. I knew to glance at my watch because it was just simply one of those moments. The time was 1:33.
When we left the adoration chapel we continued to walk around the different shops. S.C.C. was having a great time. Lunch was scheduled for 3:30 so we started our walk through the fields towards the house and arrived there at 3:13. I can not emphasize just how unintentional this is.
We ate the dinner that had been prepared for us at our house. Like always it was excellent. By the time we finished eating it was time to go back to St. James for the 5 pm rosary, apparition and pilgrim mass. As we walked out the door I again glanced at my watch and it was now 4:13.
We arrived at St. James and C.R.C. and I walked over to the statue of the Risen Christ that is still weeping tears. We stayed there for a while before walking back to St. James. We walked in the door and S.C.C. was right there. We joined the rosary that was already in progress and I glanced at my watch and the time was 5:13.
We stayed for the entire evening program and then went to eat at Vlado’s. After dinner we walked back to the house and several of us decided to climb up Apparition Hill. Once we arrived at the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje I again prayed the rosary for Our Lady’s appearances in Emmitsburg. This was my main prayer intention of the entire trip. When I finished the rosary I looked at my watch and the time was 11:33.
Thursday January 4, 2007
The day started with breakfast, after that I sat down and worked on the notes I keep which are used to write these papers. When I finished my notes I looked at my watch and the time was 9:13.
When everyone was ready we walked through the fields to go to the 10 am mass at St. James. We were a few minutes late arriving and just as we walked in the door the priest started to read the Gospel. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. Mass ended and as we walked out of the door it said XX:XX:13.
Miki Musa was there to guide us up Mount Krizevak (Cross Mountain) which is a much more difficult climb than Apparition Hill. We took taxis to the foot of the mountain and made the climb praying the Stations of The Cross on the way up as we stopped at each bronze plaque depicting the Way of The Cross. The climb took about and hour and a half or so and we arrived at the top at 12:33.
Once we were at the top I wanted to take the opportunity to pray another rosary for Emmitsburg and especially those who oppose it and cause most of the problems. I sat down on a rock and prayed the rosary and when I finished I glanced at my watch and the time was 1:13.
Everyone else in our group had left long before S.C.C. and I did but somehow we met up with all of them just as we were nearing the bottom of the mountain. Some of them took a taxi back to the house but S.C.C., Chris and myself decided to walk. It was a fairly long walk.
When we arrived at the entrance of Apparition Hill I told S.C.C. and C.R.C. that I was going to climb that too. They looked at me like I was crazy after all the climbing and walking we had already done. Just as I was nearing to top I felt the desire to pray another rosary for Our Lady’s intentions. I did and then climbed down the rocky hill. I looked at my watch as I stepped off Apparition Hill and the time was now 3:33:13.
I arrived back at the house and was just in time for lunch. Later we again left to attend our final evening program at St. James. I could not believe how fast the trip had gone by. We attended the rosary, apparition and mass. After mass we were planning on meeting Miki at Vlado’s but he was closed so we ate at Colombo’s which is not nearly as good. We said good by to Miki and thanked him for everything. We then went back to the house to wait for the van that was going to pick us up at 2:30 am to take us to the Sarajevo Airport.
Friday January 5, 2007
There was no point in trying to go to bed at this point so everybody stayed up waiting for the van to pick us up. When it arrived we loaded the luggage. As we rode past St. James for the last time I glanced at my watch and the time was 2:33.
We had to travel through a lot of snow through the mountains. At one point it looked like we would not make it. Despite the bad weather we arrived at the Sarajevo airport at 5:13.
We flew to Vienna and switched planes. While flying to Washington I had the urge to pray my daily rosary. I glanced at my watch as the urge struck and the time was 2:13:59. I completed the rosary at 2:33. We arrived at Dulles and the plane landed and the time was 3:33.
Peter Kahn picked us up and drove us home. Shortly after we arrived S.C.C. said there was a letter from St. Joseph’s. I thought it would be another not so nice note because of the paper I sent Fr. O’Malley just before Christmas.
As I opened the letter I suddenly felt a surge of peace. I glanced at my watch and the time was 7:13:59. I was surprised to see the note was a very nice one that did not insult the apparitions of Our Lady of Emmitsburg. As I realized this I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33.
R_____ C___
Jan. 10, 2007
7:33:13 Pm