Sad Day in America

June 26, 2015 – July 5, 2015


June 26th has always been a happy day in my life because it’s my sister BM’s birthday. Today was different because the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of same sex marriage stating that all states must recognize and honor these corrupt and unholy unions of two people of the same sex. I never thought as I grew up in this nation that it would even be possible for society to sink to this level. I guess I was wrong.

I had to go to Charlottesville today to do a notary mortgage closing. As I was driving back to <hometown> from Charlottesville I had the sudden urge to pray a rosary because of today’s events that will have devastating effects for a long time to come. I stopped at Our Lady of The Blue Ridge in Madison and I prayed the rosary. During the rosary I found myself apologizing to God for the sins of this once great nation. I said to God in prayer that this must make You very sad and I hope my few prayers contained in this rosary help.

I completed the rosary and got in my car to leave. As I was pulling out I had to wait for one vehicle to pass before I could pull out. It was a large tractor trailer and painted on the side of the trailer were three large numbers and they were 333.

About a week or so later on July 5th,   I was having a hard time falling to sleep because CRC had not yet come home. I tossed and turned most of the night. Suddenly my cell phone dinged signaling the arrival of an incoming email. I got up to read it because I thought it might be from CRC. It was an urgent message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg regarding the same sex ruling. The time was 2:33.



Nov 20, 2016

4:13 PM