Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Sunday February 11, 2018


Today is the monthly “Eucharistic Prayer Group for Peace and Unity” that is held each month on the 2nd Sunday. I am sad to say that it is not well attended but despite that it is still a very powerful prayer group. It is the last remnant of the Thursday Night Prayer Group that took place at St. Joseph’s in Emmitsburg, Maryland except for private prayer groups that are still in existence today. The following is a description of how the prayer group went today.

The day started with my CCD class at “Home Parish” in “hometown”. It was a good class and things went well. After talking to the kids about Our Lady I suddenly felt like I had said all the right words and God was pleased with my effort. This thought crashed suddenly through my mind so I glanced at my watch and the time was 10:33:13. After CCD I left to go to the Prayer Group at St. Mary’s. I drove from “home town” to St. Joseph’s in Emmitsburg and arrived there at 1:13 in addition to that the odometer was 3.3.

Raymond Sanders met me at St. Joseph’s. He got in my truck and we rode to the Grotto of Lourdes to give C.R.C. a few things from home. He has been working there since this past July. C.R.C. looked and sounded great and he is very happy being back in the Emmitsburg area. Raymond and I then left and rode to St. Mary’s in Fairfield, PA for the prayer group. While I was sitting in the church waiting for the prayer group to begin, I noticed a woman walk in. My first thought, only seeing her from the back was that it was M.H. When she turned around and waved to me I saw that it was Gianna Sullivan. When I first realized it was Gianna I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:13. (13 seconds).

During the prayer group Gianna led the 3rd decade of the rosary. Later in the prayer group I led the Chaplet of Diving Mercy. When I finished the Chaplet and walking back to my seat I noticed the clock on the wall at the back of the church was 3:33.

The prayer group ended and I went to dinner with Mike and Gianna Sullivan, Raymond Sanders and George Coval at Taverna’s restaurant. It was a nice time and it was great seeing Gianna again. After dinner I drove Raymond home and then I stopped by Brother Paschal O’Brien’s home (Jim) and visited with him for a little while because he asked me if I would stop by when the prayer group was over. After that I drove back to “hometown” and when I pulled in my driveway the time on the dash was 8:33.


R. C.

March 7, 2018

11:33 AM