C.R.C.’s Discernment to The Priesthood Has Moved to the Next Level

Friday February 7 – Sunday February 9, 2020


     C.R.C.’s discernment to the priesthood has been fair and honest. From what I have observed he truly wants to do God’s Will. Over the past few years he has been considering the Missionaries of The Sacred Hearts MSSCC. Several of the priests of that order have given C.R.C. a lot of time, attention and support to nurture any potential vocation to the priesthood that he might have. C.R.C. has worked hard and his spiritual growth and understanding has astounded me. There have been many times that I would go to the Grotto of Lourdes in Emmitsburg and a complete stranger would walk up to me and ask if I am C.R.C.’s dad. When I said yes they would say something like “Oh you must be very proud, he is such a fine person and his knowledge and insight to spiritual matters is astounding.” Statements such as this are paraphrased from a collection of such statements made to me about C.R.C. by many people including priest, one of which told me “God is doing powerful work in your son.” At this point I should point out that the priest who said this to me IS NOT one of the MSSCC priest.

     I am proud of C.R.C. regardless if he becomes a priest or not. I do not pray specifically for C.R.C. to become a priest. My prayer to God is that C.R.C. says yes to God’s first choice for his life. If that means becoming a priest, fine. If that means the married life with children, that’s fine too. At this point I must say that based on the events that started happening to me in St. Joseph’s during the Thursday Night Prayer Group in Emmitsburg and outlined in previous papers I have written, all indications to me point to the priesthood. I want to stress that is not necessarily my personal preference but only based on the events I have previously described in past papers and the events I am about to describe in this paper.


Friday February 7, 2020


     C.R.C. called tonight to inform me that after much consideration and prayer that he has told Fr. Mike that he will not be entering the MSSCC order. C.R.C. also informed me that he now has a girlfriend. C.R.C. told me that he and Fr. Mike discussed this and it was determined that this would be a major part of the priesthood discernment process as God’s Will will be made known through this. As this was said I was walking across the room and caught sight of my computer monitor and it was the last fraction of a second of 9:33.


Saturday February 8, 2020


     I was scheduled to go metal detecting with Chuck Thompson and Tom McLaughlin today. They arrived at the house and while we were talking I told them about C.R.C.. Without even realizing it I looked up as I told them only to see the kitchen clock and the time was 11:33:59. We went metal detecting and had a pretty good day. Later that evening after Mom and B.A.M. Ann got out of the 5 pm mass we met at Ihop for Mom’s 90th birthday dinner. While we were sitting there I told Mom and B.A.M. about C.R.C. having a girlfriend. B.A.M. responded with a laugh and said “That’s not surprising at all, what did you expect? God will not call him to the priesthood without fully understanding all his options. It would surprise me more if C.R.C. does not become a priest.” With that I knew to glance at my watch and the time was the last micro fraction of a second of 6:33.


Sunday February 9, 2020


     Today is the 2nd Sunday Eucharistic Prayer Group held at St. Mary’s in Fairfield. That was the first thing that ran through my mind as I woke up. I glanced over at the clock as I got out of bed and the time was 6:33. Susan and I went to the 8:30 mass at <Home Parish> and after mass I rode to <Local Catholic School> to teach my 5th grade CCD class. Class went well and when it was over I glanced at my watch as I walked out of the door to start my trip to Emmitsburg and the time was 11:13:00. I had been driving for only a short while when very suddenly I remembered what my sister B.A.M. said last night and then suddenly and very clearly I knew that someday C.R.C. would be ordained a priest. This was an uncontrollable thought pattern that I had no ability to alter. It was so fast and sudden I glanced at my watch expecting to see a 13, 33 or 333 but nothing. At that very instant I noticed the odometer on the car was 13.

     I continued my trip to Emmitsburg and I had to stop at the Grotto of Lourdes to pick up Brother Paschal O’Brien. I arrived at the Grotto and the time on the dash was 1:33 and the odometer was again 13. Brother Paschal and I rode to St. Joseph’s to pick up Raymond Sanders and from there we rode to St. Mary’s in Fairfield. The prayer group was better attended today than usual. Gianna Sullivan was present. During the prayer group we prayed the Glorious mysteries and Gianna led the 5th decade. As usual I led the Chaplet of Divine Mercy after the rosary before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. After I completed the Chaplet I returned to my seat and started thinking about C.R.C. and how NOTHING has changed. My love and commitment to C.R.C. is just as strong today as it has ever been and that what is going on with him regarding the priesthood is all part of God’s plan for him. All this crashed through my mind in the flash of an instant causing me to glance at my watch and the time was 3:33:33.

     The prayer group ended and we did not go out to eat as usual. I drove Raymond home and Brother Paschal asked if I could drive him to the Jubilee grocery store. I said yes. As we arrived back at St. Joseph’s to drop Raymond off we met an oncoming car directly in front of the church and it had the license plate of 33 and the time on the dash was 4:13.

     After dropping Raymond off Brother Paschal and I went to Jubilee and I waited in the car for him. While sitting there I had another out of nowhere CRASHING thought about C.R.C. and God’s Will for him. It caused me to glance at my watch and the time was 4:33:59. A few minutes later Brother Paschal came out and I drove him home. I then rode the few blocks back to St. Joseph’s to pray a rosary for C.R.C.. I arrived at St. Josephs and the odometer was 33. I prayed the Luminous mysteries while sitting in the car. I never glanced at my watch until I finished and kissed the crucifix and the time was 5:13:59. I then drove home back to <Home Town>. Minutes after I arrived Susan asked if I would like to pray the rosary. I said yes. We prayed the Luminous mysteries for C.R.C. and when we finished the time on the bedroom clock was 8:13.

R. C.

Feb. 16, 2020

3:13:33 PM